
Survey measurements - Explore this interactive map

"Survey" geodatabase. Survey measurements are organized so anyone can view them or download an area for purposes of network analysis or updating.


Instructions to convert survey lines to parcel boundaries - Explore this interactive map

"SurveyToParcel" geodatabase. Instructions for non-usual section subdivisions. Removal of non-parcel survey lines. Addition of nonsurveyed parcel lines.


Parcel geometries and data - Explore this interactive map

"Parcel" geodatabase. Parcel points, lines and attributed "atomic-level" polygons exist within edit environment in preparation for direct handoff to CadNSDI.


Future ability to download survey measurements into your computer - Explore this interactive map

"SurveyAnalysis" geodatabase. Example of an area sketched by a surveyor upon the Survey geodatabase map, to create a downloadable geodatabase.

Survey lines-points on landscape

Useful perspectives - Survey measurements over aerial imagery

Photo. GIS provides various basemaps showing the juxtaposition of physical features and survey lines.

Parcel lines-points on landscape

Useful perspectives - Parcel geometries over aerial imagery

Photo. GIS provides various basemaps showing the juxtaposition of physical features and parcel lines.

Useful perspectives - Survey eras

Photo - Survey lines are color-coded based on era of survey and expected monumention.

US township centers

Useful perspectives - Townships collected by BLM GCDB in lower 48

Photo. Townships collected by BLM and imported by Dennis K. McKay into his PostGIS geodatabase tables. One dot per township.

NM commonlines

Useful perspectives - Common lines between townships in New Mexico GCDB

Photo. Overview of data collected by BLM in state of New Mexico. 103673 lines are displayed at this scale.

Useful perspectives - Statistics of least square analyis in graphic form

Photo. Survey lines and control points are color coded based on the relationship between estimated (weights) and actual adjustment amount (residual).